Winter got ya down?  Studies show that January can be the most depressing month. 

We’ve got a few tips to help you through the dismal days. 

  • Chili Peppers: Chiles contain capsaicin, which can boost your energy and improve circulation.
  • Peppermint Oil: Sniffing this oil can not only aid in relieving depression, but it can help improve your energy level.  Our ‘Vigor’ exclusive blend is an excellent choice as well.
  • Take Up A New Hobby: Keep your mind active by finding a new interest. Try one of our Do-It-Yourself kits to add some spice to your cold day.
  • Volunteer: Find a cause that means something special to you and get involved.  Helping others leave a warm feeling inside and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Laugh: Laughing is contagious.  It’s pretty much impossible to be depressed and laugh at the same time!  Call a friend; go to a comedy club or see a funny movie.
  • Play Games: Keeping your mind busy is key to fighting the blues.  If there’s nobody around to play a game with, hit your computer.  There are hundreds of free games to challenge your mind online.
  • Move Your Body: A short set of stretching or jumping jacks can get your heart pumping, the blood flowing and re-focus your brain.  It can help change your mood, especially with a sniff or diffusion of a bright scent such as lemon essential oil

Wild Herb knows the importance of living healthy.  This includes what you put into and onto your body.  However, keeping your mind healthy is just as important.  Take the step to fight the blues today!

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