Our Boost blend may aid in preventing colds, flu, etc. plus it’s been helping many with fending off allergies. The organic essential oils in this blend have historically been known to build up the immune system and extremely effective in fighting colds, flu and the like. In addition, this blend may also aid in keeping allergies at bay during allergy season. This should be used once or twice per day and is best applied to the heals of the feet & palms of the hand, since these areas are where the largest pores on your body are and the oils...

In recent years, there has been much concern over the use of synthetic forms of antibacterial substances. Alternatively, there are other much healthier and natural choices. Essential oils, which are obtained from plants, flowers, leaves and other living sources, have been found to have quite powerful antibacterial properties. In depth studies and tests have proven that the use of topical and the inhalation of essential oils and their vapors when used properly, are an attractive alternative to pharmaceuticals. Of course, it is recommended that a licensed practitioner always be consulted prior to using these methods for any condition. Over the...